Newsletter #182: Lessons Learned

Newsletter #182: Lessons Learned

This week’s featured collector is ChicagoSpartan

ChicagoSpartan has some great Ethereum NFTs, and we especially love the pinned ones. Check it out at is the easiest way to create a gallery of your NFT collection. Show some love for NFTs by sharing this newsletter with your friends!


The results of last week’s poll: Could NOUN FEST’S type of decentralized approach work in other industries, or is it too chaotic to scale?

Last week’s poll highlights the uncertainty within the NFT community regarding the scalability of decentralized funding models like NOUN’s approach. Only 21% of respondents believe such models could successfully be applied to other industries, reflecting tempered optimism about decentralized governance and innovation. However, a notable 37% see these systems as too chaotic to scale, likely pointing to concerns around operational inefficiency, decision-making breakdowns, or the complexity of managing decentralized funding in more traditional industries. Interestingly, the largest group—42%—remains undecided, suggesting that while decentralized funding approaches are intriguing, there is still much skepticism or a lack of clarity about how they would perform outside of niche spaces like NFT communities.

Lessons Learned From Blur

The most recent episode of the WuBlockchain podcast is a must-listen for anyone deeply invested in the NFT space, offering expert analysis and market insights. In this episode, two analysts with a strong background in on-chain data, to dive into the current state of the NFT market, its future potential, and the investment pitfalls that even seasoned traders face. The conversation focuses on why tokens like Blur, once highly anticipated by collectors, have underperformed, while also exploring the broader cooling of the NFT market and the impact on projects like Magic Eden.

For NFT collectors, this episode is particularly compelling because it offers a rare glimpse into the risks of relying too heavily on data-driven strategies. The guest candidly reflects on his own experience, where he misjudged both the NFT market’s trajectory and the team behind Blur. He explains how his optimism, based on on-chain data, led to poor investment decisions, which will resonate with collectors who have faced similar challenges. This honest discussion highlights the unpredictability of the NFT space and the importance of understanding team dynamics beyond just the numbers.

A key takeaway for collectors is the podcast’s exploration of how teams can create information asymmetry for retail investors, which often leaves collectors and traders in the dark about critical strategic shifts. For example, Blur’s unexpected pivot to Ethereum Layer 2 caught many by surprise, disrupting the investment thesis many had around its token. This discussion emphasizes the importance of staying vigilant not only about market trends but also about the actions and future directions of project teams, especially in a rapidly evolving space like NFTs.

The episode also digs into the broader trends of the NFT market, including why major NFT-related tokens like Blur and Tensor have struggled despite their initial promise. This is highly relevant for collectors who are navigating a bearish market, as the conversation touches on how platforms like Magic Eden are positioning themselves with new tokens and multi-chain strategies. For collectors seeking to understand these shifts, this podcast offers valuable insights that can help them stay ahead in an uncertain market.

Finally, the conversation addresses a crucial issue for many NFT collectors: the real utility of governance tokens. As the guests point out, many projects issue governance tokens that promise to give holders a say in the future of the platform, but these tokens often have limited impact after their launch. For collectors holding such tokens with the hope of future utility or airdrops, this podcast offers a reality check on whether these investments will pay off. This episode not only helps NFT collectors reflect on their current strategies but also equips them with the knowledge to make more informed decisions going forward.

With its blend of expert analysis, real-world investment stories, and candid reflections, this episode of the WuBlockchain podcast offers a nuanced look at the NFT market and is a must-listen for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the space.

Read, or listen, to the full podcast at WuBlockchain.

What is the most important factor for you when investing in NFTs?

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Newsletter #181: A Creative Experiment

Newsletter #181: A Creative Experiment

This week’s featured collector is Makaviti

Makaviti has a large and diverse collection of Ethereum NFTs. Lots to browse. Check it out at is the easiest way to create a gallery of your NFT collection. Show some love for NFTs by sharing this newsletter with your friends!


The results of last week’s poll: Of the NFTs that you own, how many did you originally mint?

The poll showcases a striking split in NFT minting habits: 21% of respondents don’t mint NFTs at all, favoring acquisitions through secondary markets, while a notable 50% have minted 11 or more, hinting at deep involvement in the NFT ecosystem, possibly for artistic creation, entrepreneurial projects, or speculative ventures. Interestingly, no one reported minting exactly one NFT, suggesting that once users start minting, they tend to continue, reflecting either a high entry barrier or the addictive nature of the process. The 14% in both the 2-5 and 6-10 categories indicate a minority with moderate minting activity, hinting at a diverse mix of casual creators and emerging enthusiasts. This distribution raises questions about what drives the leap from casual to prolific minting and why so many opt out entirely.

NOUNS FEST 2024: A Creative Experiment for the Future of NFT

Hey everyone! We just finished reading this fascinating interview with Walter Newman, one of the key minds behind NOUNS FEST 2024, and we couldn’t wait to share some insights with you. If you’re into NFTs and decentralized content, this one’s definitely worth your time. NOUNS FEST, which just took place in downtown LA, was a living experiment in what happens when an NFT project combines decentralized funding with open intellectual property. Here are some highlights that really stood out:

Decentralized Funding Equals Radical Creative Freedom

Walter Newman described how Nouns DAO’s funding model flips traditional entertainment on its head. Instead of corporate sponsorship and top-down control, the DAO simply funds creators and lets them run wild. No micromanagement, no one breathing down your neck—the only request is that creators include a “Noun” somewhere in their work. Imagine getting the backing to bring your vision to life without a dozen stakeholders telling you what to change. This is pure creative freedom funded by the daily auction of new Nouns, which in turn powers a whole range of decentralized projects.

The Power of Open IP: CC0 is Changing the Game

One of the things that makes Nouns DAO unique is that all of its intellectual property (IP) is under a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means anyone can use the Nouns IP to create—no permissions, no red tape. Newman talked about how this is in stark contrast to traditional media, where IP is tightly guarded. In the Nouns universe, anyone can take an element and make something entirely new. This openness isn’t just a concept—it’s something we’re seeing play out at NOUNS FEST, where fifty animators showcased shorts that wouldn’t have been possible without the unrestricted use of Nouns’ IP.

How the Nouns Daily Auction Model Works

Nouns DAO operates using a daily auction model where a new Noun NFT is auctioned off every 24 hours. Each Noun is a unique, pixelated character, and the proceeds from each auction go directly into the DAO’s treasury. This treasury is then used to fund community-driven projects, like NOUNS FEST. The daily auctions ensure a continuous stream of funding, allowing creators to propose and develop projects without traditional gatekeepers. This model is not only self-sustaining but also keeps the community actively engaged, as each new Noun represents a piece of collective ownership and creative potential.

An Experiment in Decentralized Content Creation

Newman is refreshingly honest about what NOUNS FEST represents—an experiment. He emphasized that this isn’t a “solid business model” in the traditional sense. It’s more about testing whether creators can govern a project without central control and still produce something cohesive and exciting. The vibe here is experimental, decentralized, and yes, a bit chaotic—but that’s where the magic seems to lie. There’s something thrilling about seeing talented artists take the funding and run with it in unexpected directions.

A Glimpse Into the Future of NFTs and Storytelling

Newman didn’t shy away from discussing the state of NFTs, especially now that the hype has cooled. But he made a solid point: the underlying technology of NFTs still has enormous potential, particularly when it comes to reshaping funding models and storytelling. NOUNS FEST is a glimpse of what decentralized IP and funding can do, even if it’s a bit unpredictable right now. That unpredictability is exactly what makes it so interesting to watch.

The Takeaway: Why NOUNS FEST Matters

NOUNS FEST 2024 is a fascinating example of where decentralized funding and NFTs can take creative industries. It’s all about empowering creators to dream up projects without gatekeepers. It’s rare to see such a pure form of creative freedom, and the festival is proving that this model could have legs beyond web3.

If you’re intrigued by how NFTs can shape the future of entertainment, definitely check out the full interview with Walter Newman. This isn’t just another event—it’s a window into what our world could look like when creativity and community come first.

Read the full interview on OpenSea’s blog.

What do you all think? Could NOUN FEST’S type of decentralized approach work in other industries, or is it too chaotic to scale?

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Newsletter #180: The Role of NFTs

Newsletter #180: The Role of NFTs

This week’s featured collector is Aguirre_Horn

There is something wonderful about a tightly focused NFT collection. And that’s why we love Aguirre_Horn’s NFT collection of Argentine coins. Very cool! Check it out at is the easiest way to create a gallery of your NFT collection. Show some love for NFTs by sharing this newsletter with your friends!


The results of last week’s poll: How many NFTs do you own?

Last week’s poll shows that NFT ownership varies widely among collectors. About 17% of people own between 1 to 5 NFTs, and another 17% own none at all. A larger group, 25%, holds between 16 to 50 NFTs, while 42% of respondents own over 50 NFTs. This data suggests that the NFT market may be polarized, with a small group of heavy collectors dominating ownership.

How NFT Art is Being Talked About in the Mainstream Art Market

NFTs have shaken up the art world in a big way, but their place in the mainstream art market is still unclear. While some believe NFTs are the future, giving digital artists more power and access, others think NFTs are just a passing trend. A recent study takes a deep look into how major art institutions view NFT art and what that means for the digital art world. Here’s what you need to know.

figure 1

NFTs in the Art Market

As you know, NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are digital assets stored on the blockchain that represent unique items, often digital art. In 2021, NFTs exploded in popularity, with massive sales like Beeple’s artwork selling for $69 million. Although this hype led to a boom in interest and investment, the market cooled down significantly by mid-2022. Despite this drop, NFTs are now being discussed more in mainstream art circles than ever before.

A recent study analyzed three major art market reports from 2023 to understand how NFTs are being framed by powerful art institutions. The results showed that NFTs are becoming a big part of mainstream art conversations, but their role is still emerging, especially when it comes to high-end art collectors. Essentially, NFTs are recognized, but they’re not yet on the same level as traditional art forms like Old Masters or Impressionist works.

figure 2

How Are NFTs Viewed?

The study found that when NFTs are talked about in these major reports, the focus is mostly on their sales, platforms, and their role as collectable digital assets. This means that, while NFTs are being taken seriously as a form of art, the conversation is often centered around their financial potential rather than their cultural or artistic value.

Interestingly, NFTs are talked about more frequently than other forms of digital art, suggesting that they have become the most prominent part of the digital art space. However, NFTs still face challenges when it comes to being accepted as “fine art” by top-tier collectors and institutions.

Challenges and Opportunities

The study also highlighted some of the tensions in the NFT space. On one hand, NFTs can give new artists a platform to share and sell their work without needing galleries or traditional middlemen. On the other hand, the market is still concentrated in the hands of a few powerful players, and there are ongoing concerns about the environmental impact of blockchain technology used to create NFTs.

The reports also noted a generally positive tone towards NFTs but with caution. Art institutions are curious about the future of NFTs, but there are worries about issues like fraud, money laundering, and how sustainable the technology really is.

The Future of NFT Art

NFT art has made significant strides in being accepted by the mainstream art market, but its position is still evolving. While traditional art forms are still dominant, NFTs are being increasingly validated by art institutions and collectors alike. This means that for artists, collectors, and investors, NFTs represent both a promising opportunity and a risk.

For NFT collectors, this study is a reminder of the potential NFTs have to change the art world. While the road ahead may be uncertain, the fact that NFTs are now a consistent topic in mainstream art reports shows that they’re more than just a passing fad—they’re becoming an important part of the future of art.

Read the full study at

This week’s poll: Of the NFTs that you own, how many did you originally mint?

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Newsletter #179: Deep Read

Newsletter #179: Deep Read

This week’s featured collector is Portalsrus

Portalsrus has a large collection of Solana NFTs. Take a look at is the easiest way to create a gallery of your NFT collection. Show some love for NFTs by sharing this newsletter with your friends!


The results of last week’s poll: What’s your stance on the $6M NFT Creator Legal Defense Fund?

Last week’s poll shows strong support from NFT collectors for the $6M NFT Creator Legal Defense Fund, with 67% fully backing the initiative. This reflects widespread recognition of the legal risks NFT creators face, such as intellectual property disputes and regulatory uncertainties. Collectors likely see this fund as a crucial step in protecting creators and fostering long-term growth in the NFT space. The overwhelming support signals a collective understanding of the importance of legal infrastructure to safeguard innovation.

However, there are signs of caution, with 8% “cautiously optimistic” and 8% concerned the fund might backfire. These groups may worry about how the fund will be implemented or fear unintended consequences, such as attracting legal scrutiny. Another 17% remain neutral, potentially reflecting uncertainty about the fund’s impact on collectors. Notably, no respondents oppose the initiative, suggesting broad recognition that legal protections are necessary as the NFT ecosystem evolves.

(E)thesis: settlement, data availability, execution

A recently published long essay by Mike Neuder may interest NFT collectors because it addresses the foundational principles of Ethereum, the very platform that underpins much of the NFT ecosystem. As NFTs are digital assets that require secure, decentralized ownership and transfer, the essay’s deep dive into Ethereum’s role as a property rights system is highly relevant. It explains how Ethereum’s focus on decentralization ensures that NFTs can be truly owned and controlled by their holders without fear of censorship or seizure. For collectors who are invested in the future of NFTs, understanding Ethereum’s commitment to decentralization and the unique protections it offers enhances their insight into the long-term security and value of their digital assets. Additionally, the discussion around rollups and Layer 2 solutions presents valuable information on how Ethereum plans to scale, ensuring that NFTs can continue to thrive without compromising security or ownership rights.

Beyond NFTs, the essay delves deeply into Ethereum’s core mission: establishing secure, decentralized property rights in the digital realm. It argues that Ethereum’s decentralized architecture allows it to offer self-custodied, permissionless assets whose value can be transmitted globally without the risk of seizure or censorship. The essay highlights that Ethereum’s pursuit of decentralization is not a luxury reserved for extreme geopolitical scenarios but a fundamental necessity today. By maintaining decentralization, Ethereum protects against more subtle threats, such as state coercion or corporate influence, which could erode the system’s credibility and diminish its value as a true property rights network.

Readers will find value in this essay by gaining a nuanced understanding of why decentralization is the linchpin for Ethereum’s long-term success. It explains how blockchains, unlike traditional financial systems, are valuable precisely because they ensure strong, inalienable property rights. Centralization, the essay warns, allows powerful entities to manipulate blockchain outcomes, undermining their fundamental value. Ethereum’s decentralization ensures that it remains neutral, censorship-resistant, and immune to the economic control often imposed on centralized systems—qualities that will become more important as global financial systems face increasing regulation and surveillance.

One of the essay’s key insights is Ethereum’s unique ability to sustain its decentralization across various parts of the ecosystem, from its token distribution to its Proof-of-Work origins and the diversification of clients and Layer 2 solutions. This broad decentralization strengthens Ethereum’s claim to being the most credible platform for digital property rights. Additionally, the essay touches on how Ethereum’s open development culture—spread across individuals and teams worldwide—creates a robust human capital base that is difficult to replicate. This global collaboration is a critical asset, enhancing Ethereum’s resilience and fostering ongoing innovation.

In its final analysis, the essay reinforces Ethereum’s role as a digital property rights platform, making it uniquely valuable in a world where centralized systems are increasingly vulnerable to coercion. It positions Ethereum as the go-to choice for permissionless value storage and transfer, while other platforms like Solana may offer speed and convenience but at the cost of centralization and potential regulatory control. By providing the most robust property rights system, Ethereum offers a vision of the future where economic sovereignty is preserved for all participants in the global digital economy.

Read the full essay on Mike Neuder’s blog.

This week’s poll: How many NFTs do you own?

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Newsletter #178: NFT Defense Fund

Newsletter #178: NFT Defense Fund

This week’s featured collector is bur0x_art

Bur0x_art collects Ethereum NFTs and they clearly love CryptoKitties. Browse their collection at is the easiest way to create a gallery of your NFT collection. Show some love for NFTs by sharing this newsletter with your friends!


The results of last week’s poll: What is your opinion on the UK’s proposed bill to recognize digital assets as personal property?

The poll results on the UK’s proposed bill to recognize digital assets as personal property offer intriguing insights for NFT collectors. With 72% of respondents either fully supporting or cautiously optimistic about the bill, there’s a clear positive sentiment towards legal recognition of digital assets. This suggests that most collectors see potential benefits such as enhanced legitimacy and clearer ownership rights. However, the dominance of cautious optimism (45%) over full support (27%) indicates an awareness of potential complexities or challenges in implementation.

Interestingly, only 18% oppose the bill outright, while 9% remain neutral, showing that the vast majority of collectors have formed an opinion on this issue and see it as significantly impactful for the NFT space. The lack of preference for alternative approaches (0%) further suggests that even if not perfect, the proposed bill is viewed as a step in the right direction. For NFT collectors, this legal recognition could bring both opportunities and challenges, potentially reshaping how digital assets are valued, traded, and integrated into broader financial systems.

NFT Creators’ $6M Legal Shield: Crypto’s Stand Against SEC

The launch of a $6 million legal defense fund by Stand With Crypto marks a significant development in the ongoing regulatory battle surrounding NFTs. This initiative aims to protect NFT creators from potential legal actions by the SEC, highlighting the growing tension between regulatory bodies and the digital asset industry. By providing financial support for legal challenges, the fund seeks to empower creators who might otherwise lack the resources to defend themselves against what the crypto community often perceives as regulatory overreach.

This move reflects a strong show of solidarity within the NFT and broader cryptocurrency ecosystem. The involvement of industry leaders signals a united front in addressing regulatory challenges, potentially encouraging more innovation and creativity in the NFT space by alleviating fears of legal repercussions. It also underscores the industry’s commitment to shaping the regulatory landscape for digital assets, rather than simply reacting to it.

As the regulatory scrutiny of NFTs and other digital assets intensifies, this legal defense fund could play a pivotal role in influencing future legal frameworks. The outcomes of cases supported by this fund may set important precedents for how NFTs are classified and regulated. Moreover, this initiative might inspire similar efforts across the Web3 space, fostering a more robust and coordinated response to regulatory pressures and potentially leading to a more balanced approach to digital asset regulation in the long term.

Learn more about the Creator Legal Defense Fund.

This week’s poll: What’s your stance on the $6M NFT Creator Legal Defense Fund?

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Newsletter #177: UK Hints NFT Friendly

Newsletter #177: UK Hints NFT Friendly

This week’s featured collector is MomentumNFT

MomentumNFT is an AI+NFT artist whose Lazy collection highlights their most dynamic art. Browse their collection at is the easiest way to create a gallery of your NFT collection. Show some love for NFTs by sharing this newsletter with your friends!


The results of last week’s poll: In your opinion, how should the SEC approach NFT regulation?

In last week’s poll on how the SEC should approach NFT regulation, 33% of respondents believe the agency should provide clear public guidance, emphasizing the need for transparency and straightforward communication regarding NFT policies. Meanwhile, 25% of participants think that the SEC should consider each NFT individually, recognizing the unique characteristics of each digital asset. An equal 25% feel that the SEC should not regulate NFTs at all, suggesting that the market should remain free from federal oversight. Additionally, 17% recommend that the SEC follow the lead of other countries, aligning its approach with international regulatory practices. Notably, no respondents proposed alternative approaches, highlighting a general preference for clarity or non-regulation in navigating this emerging field.

UK Government’s Groundbreaking Bill to Recognize NFTs as Personal Property

Seen from across the River Thames in 2022

The United Kingdom has introduced a groundbreaking bill to Parliament, proposing the legal recognition of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and digital carbon credits, as personal property under English and Welsh law. This new category would extend beyond existing property classifications, addressing the current gap and providing greater clarity and protection for digital asset owners.

Justice Minister Heidi Alexander emphasized the importance of adapting to technological advancements, stating that the legislation will help the UK maintain its status as a global leader in crypto assets. The bill aims to offer robust legal protections for digital assets, simplify dispute resolution, and safeguard against fraud and scams, thus encouraging greater confidence in the UK’s digital asset market.

This move comes amid a global trend of increasing regulation of digital assets, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the European Union introducing measures to regulate cryptocurrencies. The UK’s approach, focusing on legitimizing digital assets as personal property, positions it uniquely within this evolving regulatory landscape, potentially enhancing its appeal as a hub for digital finance and innovation.

While the bill is still in the early stages of parliamentary debate, its progression is expected to attract significant attention due to its potential impact on digital asset ownership and regulation in the UK.

As the bill advances, it could set a precedent for other jurisdictions by embracing new technologies and providing legal certainty. By recognizing digital assets as personal property, the UK is taking a proactive step toward establishing a more secure and globally competitive digital economy, reinforcing its position as a leader in the rapidly evolving world of digital assets.

Learn more about the implications of the UK’s move at TechCrunch and Decrypt.

This week’s poll: What is your opinion on the UK’s proposed bill to recognize digital assets as personal property?

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